New Records of Philippine True Bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) with Coastal and Marine Habitat Associations and a Checklist of the Philippine Species

  • Clister C. Pangantihon Ateneo de Manila University
  • Herbert Zettel Natural History Museum Vienna
  • Hendrik Freitag Ateneo de Manila University
Keywords: Heteroptera, marine insects, coastal biodiversity, checklist, endemism


We present new records of Gerromorpha and Leptopodomorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from the Philippines (mainly from central Visayan islands and Mindoro) and comment on their habitats and endemism rates. The survey includes previously unidentified museum specimens and recent field collections.
Photos of several taxa and their habitats are provided and a checklist of Philippine coastal and marine Heteroptera is presented with comments on their distribution.
